5 Ways to Guarantee Failure


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You're listening to School Leadership Reimagined, episode number 260.

Hey builders,

Before we begin, I have a quick question for you. Are We Connected on social media? The reason I'm asking is because as much as I love giving you the podcast episode every single week, I'd love to take our relationship deeper. So if we're not connected on on social media, let's connect. I'm on LinkedIn at Robin, underscore mind steps. I'm on Twitter at Robin underscore mind step someone's on Facebook and Robin Jackson, please, let's connect so we can keep the conversation going. Now on with the show, you're listening to the school leadership reimagined podcast episode 260. How do builders like us make a dramatic difference in the lives of our students in spite of all the obstacles we face? How can you keep your vision for your school from being held hostage by resistant teachers, uncooperative parents, ridiculous district policies or lack of time, money or resources. If you're facing those challenges right now, here's where you'll find the answers strategies, and actionable tips you need to overcome any obstacle you face. You don't have to wait to make a difference in the lives of the people you serve. You can turn your school into a success story right now with the people and resources you already have. Let's get started.

Hey, builders, welcome to another episode of the school leadership reimagined podcast. I'm your host Robin Jackson. Today I want to talk about failure. We talk a lot about success on this podcast. And we don't talk enough about failure. Today I want to share with you five ways you can guarantee that you will fail five ways you can guarantee that you will not hit your goals this school year or any school year. And my hope is that by sharing these five ways you can guarantee failure that if you're truly interested in success, you'll know what to avoid, you'll know you'll you'll start to recognize these things in your practice and remove them so that you can eliminate the possibility of failure. So let's get started with number one. Number one is to try something new, every single year, in fact, switch directions not just every single year, but multiple times within the year. Don't stick with anything. If you do that you can guarantee failure. And here's why. When you keep switching from one thing to the next when you you know, try this one over here, then give that up halfway through and try this other thing over a year, you'll guarantee that as an organization, you never get good at anything, you will be constantly switching back and forth between methodologies. As soon as people start to get comfortable with one thing, you switch up to something else. So you create this, this overriding sense of chaos.

And soon you create a sense of desperation. 

Because you're constantly looking for the next shiny object, you're constantly looking for the next thing. And when you do that the combination of chaos and desperation and all combined with the lack of skill that you built up in your staff really creates an environment where failure can thrive. So if you want to guarantee failure for you and for your staff, and for your students this year, and next year, the thing you need to do is to constantly switch between methodologies. Don't pick anything and stick with it. Don't give your staff time to get good at anything. If you really want to guarantee failure, keep switching, keep switching up trying new things, chasing shiny objects, and never sticking with anything. And you can make sure that you and your team will fail. All right, number two, is to make everything a priority. At everything that comes up, you immediately treat it like it's a priority. You don't actually prioritize anything. Just deal with stuff as it comes react on a day to day basis. Because when you make everything a priority, then nothing is truly important. And you create this sense of of panic in your school, right? So everything that crops up, you treat it like it's a priority. You're constantly bouncing back and forth between one crisis and the next crisis. So you wear yourself out, you wear your staff out, and you never focus on what's really important. If you make everything a priority, nothing is a priority. And every single day, you're constantly putting out fires and running back and forth. And if everything gets your attention, then the important stuff doesn't get your attention. 

Now if you if you really want to throw gasoline on that don't just make everything a priority. I want you to to to to try to solve all of your problems. As at the same time, that will really guarantee failure because you're splitting your attention amongst all the different problems, the ones that are truly important than the ones that are not important. And when you split your attention among all the problems that you have, no one problem gets your full attention. So every day when you go home from work, because everything is a priority, you feel this weight. Do you know what I'm talking about, you feel a weight on you, you can't leave work at work, you have all of these things that are going on stalled because you didn't focus on one thing, you tried to focus on everything, and you're running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Because everything is a priority. If you do that, you can guarantee that you never ever solve any problems, you can guarantee that you will constantly feel stressed out and overwhelmed because you just have this stack of unsolved problems and unmade decisions. Because you don't have time to focus on any one thing. You will constantly complain about not having enough time in the day to do everything you will constantly feel behind. Because you've made everything a priority. If you want to guarantee failure, do that make everything important. Okay, number three, the third way to guarantee failure is to blame people. When you blame people, you are held hostage by their lack of will or their lack of skill, which means that you can't move forward unless they move forward. And if you really, really, really want to guarantee failure, Don't just blame people. 

Take it personally. So when people resist you, or when people don't do what they're supposed to do, don't look at the systems that have created that don't look at the culture, don't focus on those things. Instead, focus on the people and take it personally treat it as if these people get up every single day with one goal in mind, which is to make you and your life miserable. If you do that, you will stay so stuck focusing on the people in front of you, and focus and waiting for them to get started before you move anywhere that you will never go anywhere. But you will have a comfort of saying it's not my fault that we're not succeeding, it's their fault. And instead of looking at ways you can be better, instead of moving forward with the organization instead of making other people better, you stay stuck where they are. And those other people get to control what you do how you do it, when you do it, they control your your level of happiness, if they act up, you're upset. And so you stay stuck focused on people instead of focused on your vision, mission and core values. And you never move anywhere, you will guarantee your failure. If you do that. Number four, I want you to focus on things that you cannot control, right. So instead of looking at all the things that are within your control and focusing on that, I want you to perceive operate on things that are outside of your control things that that keep you stuck, but you can't do anything about it. If you really want to guarantee failure focus on district policies that you don't have power to change focus on the students home lives that you don't have power to change, focus on, on on the budget, that you don't have the power to change, focus on all the things you can't control. And, and and stay that will guarantee that you stay stuck because since you can't control them, there's nothing you can do about it. 

And what will happen is yes, you will fail. 

But you will also have the comfort of knowing that it's not your fault that you're failing because you can't control so much. But more importantly, when you focus on things that you can't control, you you will stay frustrated, you will feel more and more helpless. And the more helpless you feel, the less empowered you'll feel to actually change students lives. You focus on things you can't control, I guarantee you will fail. Now, number five, start tomorrow. If you want to guarantee failure, don't start changing today. Start tomorrow. Don't worry about what you can do today that will make tomorrow better. Just keep putting it off, do more research. Read more articles. take more courses that you never implement, collect a lot of information, and then don't do anything with it today. Wait until circumstances are absolutely perfect. You don't want to get started right now and start making a difference right now that's going to take you to success if you want to guarantee failure. wait, just wait till tomorrow. You wait until you have more information. Wait until you get this thing straight before you get started, don't, don't start changing your situation today, live with it just a little bit longer be just a little bit more miserable before you get started. And then you don't have to start today start tomorro, if you continually do that, you'll never get started. And that will guarantee failure. Now, what if you don't want to fail? What if you actually want to succeed? Well, if you do that, you just take those five things that will guarantee failure, you know, start something new every single year, make everything a priority, blame people focus on things that you can't control and start tomorrow, and you turn it on its head. 

So what that means is that, instead of instead of starting off every year, trying something new and chasing a lot of shiny objects, if you want to guarantee success, you will stick with something. You know, I always say that I imperfect plan done consistently will beat a perfect plan, not started or done inconsistently every single time. So instead of instead of starting something new every single year, you pick something that works. And you just stick with it. You allow your staff to build proficiency, and then ultimately mastery around those things. Yes, you tweak it, yes, you get better. But you don't just scrap the program and say, Okay, that didn't work, we're going to start this new thing every single year, I can tell you from experience that I have done it both ways. I have chased the shiny objects and said, you know, this isn't working or not working fast enough, I need to do this thing over here looking for something. And then over time, I realized that what the only thing that works is to do something consistently. And the moment we did that the moment that we stopped chasing new things, and just focused on doing something consistently, we saw tremendous progress. So most of us are so impatient, most of us are saying if I can't get instant results, then it must not work. When in reality, a lot of times things take time to work, and you have to be consistent, you have to get better at it, you have to give your staff a chance to get better at it. And when you do that, you'll guarantee success. 

Now the second thing is that instead of making everything a priority, that guarantees failure, you prioritize you actually focus on what's important. Now you if you've been a builder for a while, you know the builders do one thing at a time, then we use micro slicing, to figure out what is the one thing we should be working on at this particular time. Those of you and bu you know, we have the builder's blueprint, we're really focused on just prioritizing the work. I know it all feels urgent right now. But just because it all feels urgent doesn't mean that it is what is your priority. And that's why it's really important to have a vision, a mission and a core value set of core values. Because anything that's outside of that may feel urgent, but it's not right now, what's really urgent, what's really important is your vision, your mission, your core values. And those help you prioritize your work so that you can focus on solving the right problem at the right time, eliminating that problem so it doesn't crop up again. And when you do that, a whole bunch of other stuff gets solved as well. If you figure out what the right problem is, what we do is we've not been taught how to prioritize our work, we make everything important. So of course, we're overwhelmed because they're trying to solve it all at the same time. Builders have a discipline and a laser focus that says, You know what, this is the most important thing right now, I solved this, a lot of the other stuff goes away, I fix this, it gets us closer to our goal. This is the big obstacle that's in our way right now that if we remove it, it opens everything up. 

And that's how builders are able to make such significant progress. 

So if you find yourself trying to solve all the problems at once, know that when you do that you are on a road to failure, you're not going to win doing that, stop, and then just say what is the priority here and get focused on what's really important. Focus on that, solve that problem. And then when you do that, you eliminate problems, and you make life easier. You know, I love this about being a builder. The more that you eliminate problems, the easier you get your life gets, the easier the work gets, the bigger the winds become, because you are actually solving problems, not just managing them. I read a quote the other day that said, you know on any given day, it takes a lot less time to manage a problem than it does to solve a problem. But over the course of of weeks and months, you're so busy managing this problem and the next problem and the next problem that over time you get more are overwhelmed. Yes, it takes more time to solve a problem than it does to manage a problem. But it only takes that time in the front end, on the back end, you free up time to do the work that you were meant to do that you really want to do, because you're not constantly managing problems. So if you want to win, if you want to be successful, you got to stop making everything a priority. And really, truly prioritize your work and focus on the one thing that matters most. And then when you solve that, do the next one thing. And the next one thing. And the next one thing, what and all along the way, you're eliminating problems, you're removing obstacles, so life gets easier and easier and easier. And the winds get bigger and bigger and bigger. 

All right. So third thing, if you really want to win if you really want to be successful and not fail. Instead of blaming people, you need to blame the process. You see, when you blame people, you are held hostage by their will and skill which can fluctuate. When you blame the process, you recognize that even if I can't change people, I can change the process. And the process can change people, you can't change people, but you can put processes in place that people choose to engage in, and it changes their behavior. So as a builder, when people are acting up instead of taking it personal, and I'll I am the queen of taking things personally. And I, I It's such a it's a it's a lifelong battle. So if you're like me, then I get it, it is so hard, especially when you are working so hard. And for something so noble, you know, cause it's so noble. And people say something that's snarky or nasty. It can just it can Visser eight, me, i There are comments that I get some times on Facebook, you know, by people I don't even know that could like, you know, send me to my bed with a with a cold compress and dark lighting for the rest of the day because it hurts so much. I think if you care a lot, you you often are vulnerable to being hurt a lot. And so I'm not saying this is easy. But the thing that I have to do, the thing that gets me going every single day is that I'm focused on something bigger, I believe in this work. 

And when you have work that you believe in, when you have a vision that that that propels you forward, you stop personalizing and stuff as much. And you focus on the things that really matter. And so when I am working with people, and they say things that are hurtful, or they, you know, they they push back, or they refuse to do something that is really important for our kids. And I'm relying on people to get this done, because you can't do it by yourself. Then instead of blaming the people and saying, Oh, they're so lazy off, they're so nasty if they don't care about kids, they just shouldn't be here. All the things we say about folks. Instead of doing that, I say, Okay, what about the process, allow this behavior to thrive? Hey, it's Robin here real quick, I just want to interrupt this episode for just a second. Because if you are enjoying what you're hearing, then would you mind sharing this episode with somebody else. So all you need to do is just go to your phone, if you're listening to it on your phone, or your podcast player, and then click the three dots next to this episode. And it'll give you the option to share the episode that if you do that, three things are going to happen first, the person that you shared with is going to think you're a hero, especially if they're struggling with what we're talking about right now. They're going to love you. Secondly, you're going to feel good because you're going to get the word out about builder ship and start building this builder ship nation. And third, you will get my eternal gratitude because I really want to get this out to the world. And you'd be helping me out You'd be doing me a huge favor. So please share this episode with someone right now who's who's dealing with this same issue, someone you think would really benefit. And now back to the show.

Totally different thing, I can change a process faster than I can change a person. 

And if I have the right process, people align themselves to the process. Think about this. There are kids that you know in your school right now, who are holy terrors in one teacher's classroom and angels in another teacher's classroom. The kid didn't change the context change. The processes and procedures change in one classroom, the classroom culture allow that child to be a terror and another classroom. The classroom culture does not allow the child to be a terror. We all know this as educators we've all seen it as educators. So why is it so? So hard for us to see it when it comes to what we do in our own schools? If you have people who are acting up and staff members are acting up, you can focus on their behavior. Sure, and you can personalize it, let's you know, make it even better, right? So then, but all that does is it gets you in mesh to these battles, it gets you, you know, in your feelings so that you can't focus on the work, it gets you focusing on the adults in the building and not the kids in the building. 

The moment you take your eyes off of the people, and really interrogate the processes, the culture, the the things that are happening in your building the systems that are happening in your building, that allow that toxic behavior to shine, that allow people to stay lazy, whatever it is that you're judging them for being the moment that you do that, and you start focusing on those processes. Well, you don't need anybody's permission, you can change the processes right away, and then watch how the processes change the behavior. So if you really want to succeed, stop focusing on people. This is hard. And I know this is hard, because I live this, but stop taking things personally. It's not about you. Look at the processes that are in place, ask yourself, what is it about our current processes that allows this kind of behavior to thrive, and then adjust the process, and then watch the behavior change? Alright, number four, which is kind of related. Yeah, I'll use the if you want to fail, focus on stuff that you can't change. But if you want to succeed, stop focusing on stuff, you can't change and focus on the stuff you can change. Now, the kids who come their family, like over here, educators all the time, and say, I just want to take all the kids home with me. That's a statement that's a little problematic for a lot of reasons. It's a hair judgmental, we're not gonna talk about that right now. But I, you know, the sentiment, which is that there's there are things that are happening at home that are impacting how the children show up for school every single day. If you focus on what's happening at home, what you can't control, you're gonna stay stuck. 

But if you start focusing on what you can control, then you have you have, you have agency that you didn't have before, and you can actually make a difference. I will never forget the first time I learned this, I was a high school English teacher. And my was my kids were coming from all kinds of backgrounds. And my vision for my kids was that my mission for my the work that I was doing, my vision was that I don't want anybody failing, no failures, everybody 80% or above. But my mission was that I wanted to make college an option for every kid, I don't believe that every kid should go to college. But what I saw with my kids was that college wasn't even an option for them, they didn't have the choice. And I felt like it was really important for kids to have a legitimate choice. Some of my kids were choosing not to go to college, what they weren't even choosing my son, my kids were not going to college, because it wasn't even an option for them. And I felt like if you don't have a legitimate choice, then it robs kids of their future. So that was my big thing. Well, then my first frustration was, a lot of my kids, I was competing against the mentality at home, right that at home, college, they didn't even want college to be an option. And a lot of cases, they just accepted that it wasn't an option. And they were steering kids. In other direction. I remember I had a student, and I thought she could really thrive in college, she could be really great. But her mom was telling her be a massage therapist, that's a good job, you can get a lot of you know, you can make great money with it. And she wasn't even encouraging her to go. And it wasn't a financial issue was just like people like us don't go to college, and college felt like a luxury rather than just getting a job or learning a skill and getting out and immediately making money. 

And so I remember that frustration with my students. 

And I remember the frustration I had with the parents who were giving students contradictory messaging for me, I was starting to tell kids college is an option for you. And you have a choice. And you need to make a choice that's right for you. But you need to consider all of your options. And the parents were saying no, you don't have a choice. This is the life we people like us live, this is all we have. And do that that is a dream. That's a life for some other people, not for us. And I remember just getting so frustrated with my families and saying what what can I do and then I realized I can't, I can't change the messaging that they're getting at home. I can I can. I can reach out to families, but a lot of them were not coming to the school. They weren't reading emails. So you know, I'm not going to change that. This is what I can control. I can control the experiences my kids get in my school, in my classroom, and that's what I worked on. And that's what I focused on. So I started thinking about what can I do to make college an option, not just a, a, an option in terms of a financial option, or an option in terms of their grades, but an option in terms of their thinking. And that's what I focus, I focus on what we could do in school, I started building college going characteristics, there was some really interesting research that was done, you know, a while ago now, but that looked at non cognitive factors that really contributed to college success. And I started trying to figure out, okay, these are the non cognitive factors, how do I create experiences that help the students develop those, because those non cognitive factors that grades not academic achievements, but really thought the thought processes, ways of thinking experiences that made kids more likely to be successful in college, if the families were not going to necessarily cultivate that, and I had to stop judging families for that. But once I stopped judging families for that, and said, Okay, I can't control that. 

But here's what I can control, and started cultivating that in their experience. For the time, the 45 minutes, I had the kids in school every single day. That's what changed things for the kids. And it was so empowering to me, because instead of looking at all the options that I didn't have, I started seeing all the options I did have, we do this all the time, and do people come to office hours, and they are frustrated, because they don't see any options, they can't see other options right now. And when we get them to stop focusing on what they can't control, and we start talking about all the things that are within their control, people leave those conversations every single time feeling so empowered, if you want to guarantee failure, stay stuck on the stuff you can't control, right? If you want to really guarantee success, focus on the stuff you can control, because there's so much more within your control than you even realize. Now we again, we get, we get frustrated by people, and we we spend our time and we spend our time trying to control people. And listen, that's the way we were trained to do the whole idea, the premise behind leadership is that you somehow exert control over other people. And so if you are in a leadership mentality, you stay stuck trying to control people. And when you stay stuck trying to control people focusing on the adults instead of the kids, you you're focused on the wrong thing. And you're setting yourself up for a lot of frustration and failure. When you're a builder, you say I can't control that. But there's so much within my control, am I maximizing all the things that are within my control? And the answer is almost always know. 

So until you do that, why are you focusing on the stuff you can't control, you have all the stuff within your control that you're not even taking full advantage of focus on that, make inroads there, experience the results there. And here's the paradox of all of that. When you do that, people change, circumstances change, stuff that you thought was out of your control starts to shift because the stuff that's within your control influences the stuff that's outside of your control. And that's how you make a difference. Now, number five, instead of starting tomorrow, start today, this is my biggest frustration, I'm just going to confess to you right now, it drives me nuts, right? The times that I've talked to people who say, you know, I want to be a builder, but first I got to do this other thing. I want to be a builder, but I got to get through this first. The the number of times that I talked to people who know this is the right path for them know that this is the difference they can make. But they want to start tomorrow. If you the longer you wait, the longer you wallow, right? I just made that up. I should tweet that the longer you wait, the longer you wallow, what happens is, if your circumstances are tough, if you're overwhelmed, overworked, busy trying to get all the stuff done, then that's exactly why you need to become a builder because the way that you're doing it is not working for you. And if you think that using the same thing that got you the same things that made you feel so overwhelmed, so overworked so, so out of breath all the time, if you think that that that the same methods you use to end up where you are, are going to get you out of where you are. So then you have time to become a builder. 

You are fooling yourself. 

You're never going to find more time. If you can't find it right now. You are never going to get through this and not feel so overwhelmed. Because the reason that you don't have time the reason that you're feeling overwhelmed is because of what you're doing. It's time to do something different. The only When you get out of that, if you've got to do something different, that I've made this mistake myself, I have, you know, that I've seen I remember, this is embarrassing, okay. But I remember that I was feeling overwhelmed. And just spiraling, nothing I was doing was working. And I was frustrated. And there was a woman who I had been, you know, kind of reading her work for a while, I believed in her process, and I thought it could be a real game changer for me. And so I reached out to her. And then we set up a time to talk to get some help, you know, to get some mentoring. And I did not show up for the call. I didn't mean to listen, I had it on my calendar. I was excited to talk to her. But the but when the time can show up, I don't know I to this day, I don't know what happened. And so I apologize when I realized my mistake, I you know, set up another time to call. I put on my calendar, I set alarms, I did all the things. This is embarrassing part. For second time I didn't show be there something I don't even know like, I can't even explain to you what happened. Now, here's what I think happened. I think that I kept I was subconsciously avoiding it, because I just you know how you get to the point where you just feel so overwhelmed and so tired sometimes and so, so frustrated, and so you've been struggling for so long that you almost feel like nothing is going to help and you just get stuck. I think that's probably what what's going on. Because there's no excuse, why should I miss this call twice. 

And I remember, you know, apologizing the second time, it's just so barest I can't believe I did it. And then she said, No worries when you're ready. We can work together. We can talk about working together. And I think six months passed. And I kept saying, okay, yeah, obviously, I'm too busy to work with the right now let me get some things out the way and then it never stopped. As soon as I got rid of one thing, a new thing happened. And one day I just said, You know what? This is ridiculous. I am struggling. I know that this person can help me I believe in what she's talking about. Why do I keep struggling? What Why am I continuing to flounder when there is help out there. And so then I just said, Forget it. I'm wondering, I'm gonna reach out if she she might just ignore me because I have ghosted her twice. But she may help me, I don't know. And so I reached out, she was very gracious. And within 24 hours, we had, I had invested in our program, and I immediately started working with her. And within two weeks, I was everything was different. Within two weeks, she showed me what to do. She helped me think through my problems, she gave me another perspective. And within two weeks, things were better. And within a month, things were radically better, and have been better ever since that happened a couple years ago now that it changed everything for me. And so if you're thinking, oh, you know, I really want to, you know, be a builder, but maybe this summer, or let me get through this first, I'm telling you right now you are lying to yourself. Because the reason that you are so overwhelmed, and the reason that you're busy, is because of what you're doing. You need to do something different. And if you think that what you're doing the thing that got you into being so overwhelmed and busy is gonna get you out of it. You're fooling yourself. If you think that you just need some more information, you just need to gather some more that you're fooling yourself. If you think, Oh, I'll do better next year. I'll do better this summer. You're fooling yourself. 

If you think, Oh, let me just finish the school year and then somehow magically next school year, you're going to be a builder. You're fooling yourself. You know why? Because next year is getting built right now if you build next year as a leader, how do you think what do you think you're going to do over the summer when you suddenly magically become a builder, but if you're working with an infrastructure that was built by a leader, it's you know, frustrated, you're gonna be, you need to start now. You need to start now. The best way to guarantee failure is to stay where you are, and think you're gonna start tomorrow. You're lying to yourself. Do you really want to be a builder? There's no reason to wait. If you are feeling overwhelmed, right now, that's exactly why you need to be a builder because leadership got you here. If you are feeling like you don't have any time right now. That's exactly why you need to be a builder because leadership got you here. If you are feeling frustrated with your staff and hurt by some things that your staff members have doing have been doing, then that's exactly why you need to be a builder because leadership created those cracks in those relationships. If you are feeling like, oh, I don't know what to do, I'm just burned out overwhelmed. You know, just need to get through this year. That's exactly why you need to be a builder because leadership created that. You can't fix the problem with what created it, you need something else. And so if you want to guarantee failure, start something new every single year, switch in the middle of the year, never commit to anything, just keep switching and looking for that perfect magic bullet. And, and never ever getting anything done. But always searching if you want to fail this this year, and next year, make everything a priority. Don't Don't pick one thing to focus on, try to solve all your problems at one time. 

You want to guarantee failure, blame people and take it personally. 

Like not just blame the people. But when they act up, make it about you make it personal so that you react in a way that makes things worse. If you really want to guarantee failure, then then focus on the things you can't control and ignore all the stuff over here that you really could control. Just just lament about all the stuff you can't control. And if you really want to guarantee failure, start tomorrow, keep putting it off. Keep gathering more information, keep waiting until circumstances get better, or until you have the perfect circumstances before you get started. But if you want to succeed, then stick with one thing. And be consistent. allow you and your staff to get good at something. If you really want to guarantee success. Prioritize your work, don't try to fix and solve every problem that's not your job. Find the right problems to solve. Solve them once and for all. Eliminate them so that you can remove obstacles and barriers and achieve your vision. If you really want to succeed. Don't blame people blame the process. Ask yourself, what is it about the process that's creating this behavior, fix the process, and that will fix the people if you really want to guarantee success. Don't focus on the things you can't control, optimize all the things that are within your control. And if you really want to guarantee success, start right now. The choice is yours. You can either do the behaviors that will guarantee failure. Or you can focus on the behaviors that will guarantee success. If you choose to be successful, like a builder. I'll talk to you next time.

Hey, if you're ready to get started being a builder right away, then I want to invite you to join us at builder ship University. It's our exclusive online community for builders just like you where you'll be able to get the exact training that you need to turn your school into a success story right now with the people and resources you already have. Inside. You'll find our best online courses, live trainings with me tons of resources, templates and exemplars and monthly live office hours with me where you can ask me anything and get my help on whatever challenge you're facing right now. If you're tired of hitting obstacle after obstacle, and you're sick of tiny little incremental gains each year, if you're ready to make a dramatic difference in your school right now that you need to join bill to ship University. Just go to build a ship university.com and get started writing your school success story today. Hey, it's Robin here. And I want to thank you for listening to today's episode. And if you have a question about today's episode, you just want to keep the conversation going. Did you know that we had a school leadership reimagined Facebook group, all you need to do is go to Facebook, join the school leadership reimagined Facebook group. Now there are going to be a couple of questions that we asked at the beginning because we want to protect this group and make sure that we don't have any trolls come in and that it really is for people who are principals, assistant principals, district administrators, so make sure you answer those questions or you won't get in but then we can keep the conversation going. Plus we do a lot of great bonus content. I'm in there every single weekday so if you have a question or comment above the episode, let's continue the conversation. Join us at the school leadership reimagined Facebook group and I'll talk to you next time.

Thank you for listening to the School Leadership Reimagined podcast for show notes and free downloads and visit https://schoolleadershipreimagined.com/

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