Rewind: Student Focus Group

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

  • Being a Builder is not just about giving others feedback. Feedback for Builders is a two-way street. That’s why Builders are deliberate about collecting, analyzing, and reflecting on the feedback they get from others and they use this feedback to become better Builders.
  • Student Focus Groups help you get information that student performance data or even your own observations cannot give you. 
  • Student Focus Groups cannot be conducted in a ad hoc way. There is a deliberate way to conduct focus groups that actually helps you get the right data and be able to use it to build a better school. 
We’re rewinding to one of our most popular episodes ever --  The definitive episode on how to conduct student focus groups.

Student focus groups are a great way to connect with your students and collect their feedback on how you are doing as a school. 

In this episode, learn step-by-step how to select students for a focus group, what questions to ask, how to analyze the data, and how to use the data to improve your school. 

By the time you're done, you'll be able to conduct your own student focus group #LikeABuilder.

Check out these highlights:
  • Why Builders are deliberate about collecting feedback.
  • Why student focus groups are my favorite form of feedback.
  • How to conduct student focus groups and why they are so powerful. 
  • How to select students for focus groups.
  • The 5 questions I ask in every student focus group.
  • When should you talk and when should you shut up during the focus group.
  • How to collect and analyze the data.
  • Other uses for focus groups.
  • Why student focus groups should be a part of every Builder’s practice.
Links mentioned in this episode:

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