The 5 Meetings that Should be on Every Principal’s Calendar

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

  • There are only 2 reasons to have a meeting. Either you need to make a decision or you need to move the work forward. Any other meeting is a waste of time.
  • Meetings have been given a bad rep. But the right meetings can make all the difference in how consistently you move your vision forward this year.
  • If your meetings are not moving the work forward, why are you even having them?
  • I used to hate meetings. Turns out, I just hated BAD meetings. 
  • The right meetings will reduce overwhelm. The wrong meetings will increase it. 
I don’t know anyone who LOVES a meeting. That’s because most meetings feel like a waste of time. On today’s episode, you’ll discover 5 meetings that should be on every principal’s calendar each week and NONE of these meetings will waste your time.

In fact, these meetings will make you more productive, make your team more accountable, and create real momentum in your work so much so, that you really can’t afford NOT to have these meetings.

So tune in today to find out how you can use 5 simple meetings to remove overwhelm, increase your own productivity, and ultimately move your vision forward consistently #LikeABuilder. 

Check out these highlights:
  • The meeting that helps you solve your biggest problems every single week.
  • The meeting that helps every stay accountable without you having to chase, check, or correct them.
  • The meeting that gets you into the right classrooms and helps you offer the right support for teachers each week.
  • The meeting that removes you from being the bottleneck and helps others take more responsibility.
  • The meeting that gets you out of the weeds and helps you stay focused on your vision. 
Links mentioned in this episode:

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