How to Handle the “October Surprise”

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:
  • The “October Surprise” is a phenomenon mostly known in political circles, but it’s also rampant in education.
  • Most people ignore or accept their October Surprise as just a part of the school year. But, if you play it right, your October Surprise can fortify your school to successfully handle the upcoming challenges you’ll face during the remainder of the school year.
  • While everyone has an October Surprise, how you handle it will depend on what zone your school is in right now.

There’s a hidden phenomenon that happens in every school every year about this time of the year. I call it the “October Surprise” and if you don’t handle it correctly, it can take your school way off course and create challenges that reverberate throughout the rest of the school year.

That’s why on today’s episode, you’ll discover what the “October Surprise” is, why it’s so insidious, and the specific steps you can take now to turn your October Surprise into a stepping stone for school success this year #LikeABuilder.

Check out these highlights:

  • Announcement: Our next Builder’s Lab 360• Experience will be January 30-February 2, 2022. Tickets are available NOW. Get your ticket 
  • Announcement: Buildership® University is now open and you can join for FREE! Click here to join.
  • Announcement: Our Buildership® University Book Club will be reading Effortless: Make it easy to do what matters most by Greg Mckeown. Our next book club meeting is October 20, 2021 at 7pm.
  • How the “October Surprise” originated in politics but manifests itself every year in our schools.
  • Why the October Surprise is so insidious and how, if we’re not careful, it can create lasting challenges throughout the school year.
  • How to recognize your October Surprise 
  • How you can leverage your October Surprise to cement your vision, mission, and core values and set your school up for success for the remainder of the school year.
  • How to handle your October Surprise based on whether you are in the red zone, orange zone, yellow zone, or green zone.
Links mentioned in this episode:

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