Success Secret #7: Do ONE thing at a time

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:
  • Trying to do ALL the things is a trap. It actually creates MORE work for you in the long term.
  • When you divide your time, energy, and attention among everything on your to do list, you end up accomplishing nothing. When you focus on completing the right work, one step at a time, you end up accomplishing more than you can imagine.
  • Builders go farther faster because they stay focused on doing the right work and ignoring everything else.
  • The goal is to cross the river, not slay all the alligators in your way. Leaders get caught up trying to fight all the alligators. Builders focus on crossing the river. 
In this final installment of our Summer of Success Series, we’re talking about how Builders approach their work.

Instead of having a miles-long to do list, Builders have a one-item to-do list. Instead of dividing their time, energy, and attention among a million tasks, Builders focus on what matters most and ignore the rest.

Discover how Builders stay focused on what matters and how you can accomplish so much more by doing so much less #LikeABuilder.

Check out these highlights:
  • Why dividing your attention is actually creating MORE work for you
  • The hidden cost of switching back and forth between tasks
  • Why Leaders are always so overwhelmed
  • The difference between how leaders plan their day and Builders plan their days
  • How Builders create a ONE item to-do list
Links mentioned in this episode:

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