The ONE thing you must do at the end of the school year

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

  • If you never take time to learn lessons from the previous school year, you’ll make many of the same mistakes next school year.
  • We don’t spend enough time examining what we need to STOP doing before we rush to add yet another initiative to our already crowded program.
  • We’re so busy rushing to find the “new” thing to do that we don’t give the stuff we’re already doing a chance to work. Instead of chasing the new, why not double down on what’s already working?
  • Now is the perfect time to glean the lessons from the school year, take those lessons into the summer, and use them to plan a better year next year. 
  • What’s one lesson you learned last school year that you are definitely taking into next school year?
It’s the end of the school year and now is the perfect time to reflect before you get caught up in planning for the summer.

Doing so will prevent you from repeating the same mistakes and experiencing the same frustrations next school year.

Discover the exact process Builders use to glean the lessons from the school year, take those lessons into the summer, and use them to plan a better year next year #LikeABuilder.

Check out these highlights:
  • What is it that you need to STOP doing because it is no longer serving your school?
  • How to re-evaluate programs to see if they are still serving you and your students?
  • Why it’s better to double down on what is currently working first before you add something new.
  • How to leverage what is already working and extend it into new areas.
  • When you should add something new to your program.
Links mentioned in this episode:

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