Summer Success Series Pt. 6:
Work ON your school, not just in it

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

  • Is the majority of the work you do maintaining your school or moving it?
  • We need to dedicate and protect time each week to work ON our schools, not just in our schools.   
  • Writing emails, returning phone calls, completing paperwork, finishing post-observation write ups are important, but none of those things are going to move your school forward towards your vision. 
  • Either your calendar is built by design or it will be built by default. Do you control your calendar or does your calendar control you?
  • We put the strategic work in the margins of our day when in fact, that work is the most important part of our jobs. 
What would you do if you had an extra half day per week to work on the things you never get to work on during the school year? I’m not talking about emptying your email inbox, returning calls, or catching up on all those post-observation write ups.

I’m talking about 4 hours per week to think, plan, strategize, reflect, and do the deep work of being a principal. If that seems too good to be true, then you’ll want to listen to today’s episode where I’m going to break down exactly how you can get a half day per week to work ON your school.  This is not about time management tricks, hacks, or magical schedules.

In fact, you’ll probably be shocked by just how simple it is to find 4 hours per week to work ON your school not just in your school #LikeABuilder.

Check out these highlights:
  • 3 ways to find 4 hours per week to focus on the deep work of being a principal
  • How to take control of your calendar rather than your calendar controlling you
  • What 3 things you absolutely need to do during this extra time (and all the things you shouldn’t be doing)
  • Specific suggestions for how to protect this time so that you aren’t interrupted
  • Ways to take your 4 hours without adding an additional 4 hours to your work week. 
Links mentioned in this episode:

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