Summer Success Series Pt. 8:
Work versus Chores

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:

  • If you just did the duties of a principal, you might get accolades from your district, but you won’t actually move the needle much in your school.
  • There’s a difference between being busy and being productive. 
  • Leaders think the work is about putting in the time, Builders know the work is about producing the results. 
  • We can get so caught up in the chores of our jobs that we neglect the true work of our jobs. 
  • We were told that the duties of administration were all that we needed to be good principals. But while the duties are necessary to maintain the status quo, they aren’t enough to change it.
 In this final episode of the Summer Success Secrets Series you’ll discover the difference between the duties of administration and the work of true Buildership.

You see, we were told that the duties of administration were all that we needed to be good principals. But while the duties are necessary to maintain our schools, they aren’t enough to make lasting change. So in this episode I delineate the difference between the chores of our jobs and the true work.

This one concept, if you understood it, would make the difference between feeling frustrated, burned out, and tired by October and feeling energized, focused, and successful by June.

It all comes down to whether you spend your time doing the chores of administration like a leader or doing the work of administration #LikeABuilder.

Check out these highlights:
  • Why getting into classrooms, completing observations, and having post-observation conferences are not enough to change practice.
  • How we can provide a ton of “support” and not see tangible teacher growth.
  • How the ways we were trained to “hold” teachers accountable don’t actually create true accountability.
  • Why food, fun, and favors aren’t enough to build a healthy school culture. 
Links mentioned in this episode:

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