Expectations Change Everything

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:
  • Your teachers want to make a difference. Does your vision create space for them to be able to do that?
  • People’s expectation of the future dramatically changes how they experience the present.
  • Tiny, incremental goals are not enough to sustain teachers’ excitement all year long. Why would anyone work hard just to end up in essentially the same place they were to begin with?
  • Any vision smaller than 100% student success is essentially a vision for some students to fail.
  • If we’re going to work hard anyway, why would we work for anything less than 100% student success?

The school year has just begun and already, principals are worried about staff morale. Sure, everyone was excited by the first days of school hype, but now that things have died down a little, the complaints are already starting.

On today’s podcast, we’ll look at why every year it seems people are getting more and more burned out, and more importantly, the ONE thing you can do that can turn things around immediately.Instead of going through the same cycle of excitement, reality setting in, complaints, burn out again this year, this episode will show you how you can sustain momentum and generate lasting excitement about the work #LikeABuilder. 

Check out these highlights:

  • The number one reason why so many teachers are burned out.
  • How to immediately change teachers’ perception of their work for the better.
  • Why just addressing working conditions (although important) isn’t enough to change teacher morale.
  • The only way to sustain excitement and momentum all year long. 
Links mentioned in this episode:

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