Makeover Show: The Vision and Mission Statement Edition
Note: School Leadership Reimagined is produced as a podcast and designed to be listened to, not read. We strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on the page. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print.
You're listening to school leadership reimagined. Episode 57
Welcome to the school leadership re-imagined podcast where we rethink what's possible to transform your school if you're tired of settling for small wins and incremental improvement, then stayed tuned to discover powerful and practical strategies for getting every teacher in your school moving towards excellence. Now here's your host, Robyn Jackson.
Hey builders.
Welcome to another episode of the school leadership reimagined podcast. I'm your host Robyn Jackson, and today we're going to be talking about the number one thing you must protect as a builder. You see, I need a lot of school administrators and instructional coaches who really struggle with something and it bothers me. I'll go in and train them on how to set an ambitious vision for their school and they get really excited about the vision. And then they say to me, but my teachers would never do this. Or I'll go in and I'll show them a micro slicing and how to go into classrooms and very quickly identify the root cause of a teacher's practice so that they can better serve the teacher. And they'll say, but what if the teacher doesn't trust my feedback? Or, or what if the teacher pushes back against my feedback?
I'll go in and I'll help them develop a 90 day plan that can take them farther in the next 90 days. And then they've come the entire school year and they get excited about the plan and then they say, but you know, one of my districts stops me, or what if my principal says no, or I just don't know if the teachers, you know, they're already so overwhelmed, I'm just not sure that they'll support the plan. Or I'll go in and I'll show them exactly what they need to be doing right now to get the biggest lift in their students' test scores or in the quality of teaching and learning in the school. And they get really excited. But then they say, Oh, but you know, if I, maybe I'll do it next year because, you know, I just don't know if, if we, we already have so much going on right now and I don't, I don't know if we're gonna be able to get it done.
I'll invite them to builders lab.
I'll tell them, listen, it's three days, but in those three days you are going to learn so much that you'll be able to go back to your schools and you'll be able to start that transformation process and you will see results in as little as three months. So you could meet three days and three months later you're going to be seeing massive results. You're going to have made more gains in those three months after bill do lab. Then you gain the entire year and people say, yeah, I mean I believe in, I want to go, you know, I'm just not sure right now. Maybe next year when I can get rid of some teachers or maybe next year when I'll have more bandwidth over and over again. I see people who are excited about what is possible for them, for their schools, and right at the point when they're about to make a decision right at the point where they're about to start the process that could literally change their lives and change the lives of their students and their staff members, they hesitate.
And do you know why they hesitate? They hesitate because they don't have the confidence to believe they can pull it off. So on today's episode, I want to talk about that a little bit. Even for those of you who think you have a lot of confidence, I want to talk about why it's so important to protect that confidence. It is your most valuable asset as a builder. And if you don't protect your confidence, you can't build. Now in a second, I'm going to talk about some huge threats to your confidence and how you can start protecting your confidence. But do you want to know one of the number one ways you can begin to protect your confidence? Come to builder's lab in three days. We build you up so much that you are excited about going back to your school. You can't wait to get back and do the work and you have a rock solid plan that you can count on so that you know that after coming to builder's lab and working on that plan, you have the confidence that when you go back and implement that plan, you will see changes in 90 days.
That's what we do at builders lab.
You not only learn how to set a vision, mission, and core values, that's just the morning and the afternoon. You learn how to figure out what is the major obstacle, the number one obstacle that's holding your school back right now and then within the next two days figuring out how to remove it. We on day two we show you how you get everybody on board, so we spend the entire day showing you strategies for getting your people on board. How do you get everybody in your school aligned around your vision, mission, and core values, working towards the right goals, doing the right work the right way? How do you work on their will and their skill in order to be to be able to do that. And then on day three we developed the plan. This is your 90 day roadmap.
This is exactly how you go back to your school and make this vision happen in your school. And when people come to build this lab, I check in with them because we don't just leave you alone. We don't just kind of send you back to your school and say, okay, now you have a plan. Go implement it. Oh no. We spend the next 90 days following you. We have a 90 day followup sequence where I am checking in with you where you have the opportunity to ask questions, where I am sending you additional resources and training to help keep you on track so that after you leave builder's lab, 90 days later, your school looks vastly different. You've accomplished so much. In fact, we say you accomplish more in the 90 days after builder's lab. Then you've accomplished all year long.
Our next builders lab is coming up in January.
It's January 21 through 23 in 2020 it's the first builders lab with 2020 and I think January is a really interesting time to come to builders lab because when you come in January you get the double benefit, you learn some things that help you finish the school year strong and you also learn how to put some things in place this school year to set you up for even greater success next school year. So you know originally when we were doing one builders lab a year, we only did it in January for that reason because you get that double benefit and so I want to invite you to join us. There are still a few days left to get your tickets for builders lab, but you have to move fast if you've been thinking about it and you've been on the fence now the time to get off the fence because ticket sales for the next builder's lab will be up shortly.
So you need to go to Mindsteps inc com slash builders dash lab that's Mindsteps inc com slash builders dash lab to get your ticket to build your slap. You can also give us a call at (888) 565-8881 if you have any questions. All right, let's talk about your confidence. And I debate at long about whether or not I would do this episode because nobody wants to admit that maybe they don't have as much confidence as they should. You know, once you take on any kind of administrative position or even any kind of coaches position, you're expected to have a level of competence. And so this is kind of a dirty little secret of leadership, which is that you take on the leadership position and you fake it until you make it. That's the advice you're given. And while that may be great, if you want to stay a leader and you're constantly faking in, but if you really want to do something amazing and transformative, if you want to be a builder, builders don't fake it.
Builders actually do feel confident.
And the reason they feel confident is because they have a tool box that they can rely on that reliably and predictably produce results time and time again. And that's one of the big differences between being a leader and being a builder. A leader hides any lack of confidence. A builder develops confidence and then protect that confidence more than anything else and it's really important because there are a lot of threats to your confidence. One of the biggest threats to our confidence is that a lot of times we have big problems. I mean these are not, you know, problems that money can solve all the time. We are facing huge problems in our schools. We are facing kids who are coming to us through a lot of trauma or we are facing kids who are facing a world that is so uncertain.
We're preparing them for a world that's so uncertain. Even in schools where the kids are not dealing with, you know, active trauma. They are assaulted with all kinds of things every day before they come to school and when they come to school. We have to provide them with an education that not only prepares them for now but prepares them for a future that we can't always predict. There are all kinds of challenges that come when you are dealing with human beings. They are not widgets. They are not, you know, products coming off of a factory line. They're real human beings. Every school, I don't care how good your school is, every school has challenges. And those challenges are super complex. And so one of the biggest threats to our confidence is that a lot of times we are facing challenges that seem insurmountable and we have never been trained on how to deal with the insurmountable problems.
All of our training deals with problems where there is a neat problem and a neat solution and there's very little complexity in the problem.
But what do you do when you're facing a super complex problem? And a big threat to our challenge is everybody's looking at us to solve that problem. But a lot of times we don't have answers. We don't have a process that is designed to tackle really challenging problems. And so a lot of times it feels like we're just kind of making it up as we go along or we go to a conference or we read a book and it sounds like a good idea and we try it. But we have no idea if it's gonna work for us or not. And so that's a huge threat to our confidence. Here's another threat to our confidence. A lot of times we grab a plan and we kind of hope it works, but we really have no idea whether or not it's gonna work.
And oftentimes we don't find out that it's not a good fit or it's not gonna work until it's too late. But here's the problem. We have to get up in front of our staff and we have to act like the plan is going to work. We have to act like this is the solution. I thought about it and this is what we need to do. And then we, it almost feels like we're dragging everybody through this plan, towards the goal when we ourselves don't really know what the plan is gonna work. We're, we're hoping it works. We've seen it work for other people. Maybe it worked for us in another school, but this is a different school, a different group of kids in different situation. So while we may seem very confident that the plan going to work deep down inside, we don't really know and we have to get up in front of people and pretend that we know it's gonna work when in fact we don't really know if it's going to work.
But once we commit to a plan, we can't back up.
We can't just say, Oh well you know, halfway through the plan when we see it's not working, we're like, well you know, maybe we can tweak and adjust the plan, but there's no option for us. You know, once we commit to a plan, we've got to see it through to its end. And that can really mess with our confidence cause we don't know all the time. If the thing that we chosen to do is actually the one to work. A third threat to our confidence is people. I can't tell you how many times I have talked to people and they say, this sounds like a good plan, but I have these teachers on my staff and I just know they're going to fight me about it. Or you know, I would really love to do this, but you know, I got a certain team on my staff and I just don't know if they are going to be able to put this through will and skill issues can really threaten your confidence because you know if you're were up to you, if you are implementing the plan it probably would get done.
But the challenge with leadership and, and the challenge with Buildship even is that if you want to get something done, you have to do it through other people. And so that's a huge threat to your confidence because you may feel confident but you're not confident in others. You're not confident that the, the people around you are going to be able to exit you the way it needs to be executed in order to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish for your school. And all these things can erode our confidence. It makes us hesitant. It makes us a little unsure. Now, we would never show anybody else that. But inside the stress that we are often feeling is really stress that that's related to a crisis of confidence. We have an imperative. We know there's something important that needs to be accomplished in our school. We just don't have a confidence that anyone's going to be able to do it or that we're going to be able to do it with the people we have right now.
We need to talk about this crisis of confidence.
And so that's what I want to talk about today. Like what do you do about it? What do you do? How do you develop the confidence you need to really move your school where it needs to go? How do you develop the confidence you need to really have a dramatic impact on the lives of your students? And even if you develop that confidence, how do you protect it when it's been assaulted every single day by parents who aren't happy with the job you're doing or by teachers who are resisting what you're trying to do or by kids that you'd hope to help, who seem to be almost impervious to helping the kids that slip through the cracks, the kids you lose. How do you protect your confidence even when things don't seem to be going well?
Well, I have four things you could do. The first thing that you need to do to protect your confidence is that you need to have a purpose you're passionate about. One of the reasons that I've been talking more and more about vision, mission, and core values is because I find that there's a stark difference between schools who have a clear vision, mission, and core values and schools who don't. The schools who have that clarity, and this is also true for districts I've worked with the schools and districts who have that kind of clarity. They have a clear purpose that they're passionate about. They know their vision, their mission, and their core values. That creates a level of confidence in the builder because there's cohesion around the same vision, mission, and core values. Everybody has a purpose they're passionate about, and if you're passionate enough about your purpose, you will persevere even in the face of huge obstacles.
If you're not passionate about your purpose, the moment you face a huge, seemingly insurmountable obstacle, you're going to give up.
And then you're Rick ricocheting shading from one purpose to another purpose and you, you and you can't get forward momentum and you can't get transformation that way. So the first thing you need is a purpose you're passionate about. You know, I tell you this all the time, but at builder's lab, one of the things that we do on day one is we review your vision, your mission, and your core values. And a lot of times people come with a vision, mission, and core values that sound good, but they're not really passionate about it. And if you're not passionate about your vision, how do you expect anybody else to be? If you don't really believe in your vision, if your vision doesn't feel like oxygen, if you're like, I can't move.
I can't breathe unless we accomplish this. If your core values aren't non negotiable in your building and everybody doesn't feel that way about your core values, it's really hard to persevere through the hard times. And so on day one, the builder's lap, the first thing we do is we say, listen, let's look at your vision, mission and core values. And if I can't tell that you're passionate about them, if I don't see that excitement in your face when you're telling me about your vision, mission, and core values, then you're not ready yet and we don't stop working with you until you have a purpose you can be passionate about. That's the first thing, and people sometimes want to give up. But here's the thing. If you are not passionate about your purpose, if you don't have a vision that just drives that work, if, if your mission isn't clear and compelling and if your core values aren't non negotiable, you will give up because you're not fighting for anything.
You have to be passionate about your purpose. It has to be clear!
It has to be something you're passionate about, and when you are, then you have that. That passion feels your confidence. You know when people start to to fight you on your vision, mission and core values, if you're really passionate about it, you're not going to stop and say, well, maybe they're writer, maybe I should back off or you know, maybe next year you're not going to do that. You're going to say, no, it has to be. Now this is important. Here's why it's important. This is non-negotiable. Here's why it's non-negotiable. You will have the wherewithal to be able to stand up to the bullies who are trying to get you to, to back off or slow down and you'll be able to say, no, we can't because this is important because this is necessary.
This is non negotiable for our students. So the first thing you need is you need a purpose about which you are passionate. Now that passion is good, but it's not enough because if you just have this compelling purpose but you have no idea how to make the purpose happen, you need something else. And so the second thing you need to protect your confidence is you need a sure fire way to move people's will and skill. In fact, I think this is the number one confidence killer. You could get all passionate about your purpose, but the moment you present it to your staff, people start asking questions. People start pushing PAC people start saying, no, I don't really think that should be our vision and people are so worried about getting in front of their staffs and having their staffs push back or or or pick apart their vision, their mission and their core values that even if they're passionate about it, they're afraid to share it with their staff because they don't believe theirs.
They have the ability to convince their staff that this vision is valuable, that this mission is important, that these core values are a non negotiable.
I hear this all the time. People are saying, you know, I don't want to do the core values exercise cause one of my staff comes up with core values that I don't agree with. Well if you do the core values exercise right, they won't because everybody has to agree and everybody will come to agreement. Some people say, well you know, I don't want to give a hundred percent vision because you know, my staff will never buy into it or it'll overwhelm them or you know, they'll push back or they'll complain or I know there's a certain group of teachers who will never buy into this and so they hesitate to get up in front and cast a bold vision for their school because they're already afraid that the naysayers are going to kill their vision before it even has a chance to, to thri people say, I don't want to open up the mission conversation to everybody because I'm afraid that some people are going to take that conversation off the rails and they will come up with a, a mission that isn't really necessary.
Or they'll, they'll, they'll push an agenda that's not important. And so they never ever take it to their staff. They, they try to kind of keep it in a close group of people because they're worried that if they take it to everybody, it'll get killed before it has a chance to thri. I understand that. And if you don't really have a sure fire way of moving people's will and skill, that will absolutely happen. People will crush your vision and your mission and your core values before they have a chance to come alive. So the second thing you need to protect your confidence is you need a sure fire way to move people's will and skill. Now the way we were trained as leaders is we were taught to move people's skill.
Some people say to me all the time, well, I could help this teacher improve if they were willing.
Well, if they were willing is a big deal. So we need strategies to the will as well as the skill. And I think that a lot of people would feel a lot more confident if they could feel confident in their ability to move people's will. And it's not hard people. It takes some work. You do have to understand some things, but you can move people's will. It happens all the time. The best builders are doing exactly that. When I get up in front of people and I go all over and a lot of times I'm coming into, you know, really hostile staff situations. I don't know that's what I'm walking into, but a lot of times people will have me come in and they won't tell me that their culture is messed up or they won't tell me that their staff is already resistant to the idea of me coming and I walk into these rooms and their people are hostile.
Used to happen a lot more. When I did a lot more teacher training, people would kind of throw me in the room with teachers and say, fix them and close the door. Well, I'm not in the business of fixing teachers and I don't have to. Teachers aren't broken. A lot of times the pushback that people are facing, it's because they have used really horrible strategies to move people's will and skill. You can't force people, you can't shove things down people's throats. But you can persuade people and if you really want to protect your confidence, then you have to build your ability to persuade people. We have a couple of episodes that talk about how to move people's will and you can check them out. I'll make sure I put them in the show notes, but one of them is episode number seven called how to motivate anybody and I lay out to you a very simple process that you can use that guaranteed will move people's will if you use it right.
Once you understand that, once you understand how to move people's will and skill, you're not worried about what people will say.
I throw out crazy ideas all the time. I work with people and I tell them, Hey, your vision of moving your student achievement up to 35% never gonna work. You need to figure out a vision for 100% I can't tell you the amount of resistance I get, but the resistance doesn't bother me because I understand how to move will and skill and so I expect a certain amount of resistance. I'm prepared for it and when it comes, it doesn't throw me off. It doesn't take me away from my purpose. I'm passionate about this purpose and so it doesn't take me off my purpose because when I see that resistance, I know how to deal with it. If you learn how to deal with resistance, you don't have these crises of confidence that I see a lot of people having because they're worried about taking an idea in front of the staff and having the staff knock it down.
Instead, they can stand up in front of their staff and boldly declare their ambitious vision and know that even if they face initial resistance, they have the tools and the strategies and the wherewithal to be able to deal with that resistance and overcome it. So the second thing you need to protect your confidence is you need a surefire way to deal with will and skill issues so that they don't throw you off your game. The third thing you need in order to protect your confidence is you need a clear understanding of your obstacles. Is he, what a lot of people do is they come with a bold vision. They present it in front of their staff, they kind of steamroll over top of will and skill issues and they, they get people moving in a particular direction. Even if those people are kind of moving grudgingly, they get people moving, you know, they, they launch a new initiative.
They say, okay, here's what we're doing this year. Everybody needs to be on board.
Maybe it starts out really well, maybe everybody is on board. And then you hit your first obstacle and because you weren't prepared to deal with obstacles, the obstacle completely throws you off your game and shakes your confidence and makes you feel a little unstable and then you back up so far off of the thing that you were going to do that people lose interest you, you lose momentum and by the time you're done, you haven't produced the results you wanted to produce and you blame the obstacle. You say, we'll do better next year. But what if you had a way of dealing with obstacles? What if you knew how to anticipate obstacles and you had a clear process for removing obstacles so that when you started in initiative you knew no matter what the obstacle, you are going to figure out a way to deal with it and keep moving forward that every obstacle you overcame what actually strengthen your, your, your momentum and strengthen the results that you want to get for students.
Most people, they have a plan but they don't know how to deal with obstacles and one obstacle can completely derail your initiative and that shakes your confidence and that's why over time people's confidence erodes because they started initiative, they face an obstacle, it threw the initiative off, they pick themselves up, they, they say, okay, next time we're going to do better, they hit another obstacle. It throws them off their game and before long they have, instead of a history of victories, they have a history of false starts and failures. And that can really, really mess with your confidence. Especially if you've tried something in the past and it hasn't worked, it makes you feel like maybe if I try it again, it won't work again. So if you want to protect your confidence, you need to have an a clear way to deal with obstacles.
You need to know how to anticipate obstacles. You need to have a plan for dealing with obstacles when they come up.
And what will happen is over time, because you know how to deal with obstacles instead of a history of false starts and failures and incremental improvement, you'll have a history of one victory after another victory after another victory. And nothing builds confidence like success. Because when you know how to deal with obstacles, you will have a track record of success that actually bolsters your confidence and not only bolsters your confidence, but it builds people's confidence in you. So that's the third thing you need to protect your confidence. The fourth thing you need and the final thing you need is you need an iron clad plan. I think a lot of people start out with an initiative and they have a goal. Okay, we want to accomplish this.
They have a, you know, kind of a understanding of the process. We need to kind of do these things in order to accomplish this. They don't have a plan and they don't have a plan that deals with the change process, the reality of the change process. Instead they have a plan that, you know, if everything goes perfectly, then this plan will work. They don't have a plan that says everything won't go perfectly. So how do we create a plan that understands the way the change process works and deals with the change process instead of fighting against the natural things that come up in any change process? Why don't we work with them? Why don't we create a plan that that acknowledges that the change process is messy and often nonlinear and why don't we come up with a plan that can handle it?
Why don't we come up with a plan that's based not in fantasy about what we hope things will happen.
If things are perfect, why don't we come up with a plan that's based in reality where we know things won't be perfect, but our plan can manage those things anyway. Most of the time people come up with a plan and they already know the vet plan is a work of fiction. They already know that that plan will only work under the most perfect circumstances. Instead, come up with a plan that, you know, as ironclad, come up with a plan that's flexible. Come up with a plan that knows that you can't anticipate everything and yet your plan is flexible and an elastic enough that it can, it can change on a dime. It can stretch, it can grow as you learn more. And it also takes into account the reality of the change process. And it's not a fantasy. It's, it's real. That kind of plan.
Can he be confidence? Because you know, going into it that things are going to change. You have a plan for how you're going to manage that change. You know, going into it that you're going to hit obstacles. You have a plan that shows you how you're going to deal with obstacles when they show up. Even if you don't know what obstacle you're going to be facing, you have a plan that says, Hey listen, I know that every time we hit a new level, we're going to face a new devil. So our plan is going to have to shift for that new devil and you have a plan to pivot to shift. When you face a new devil, that kind of plan can give you a lot of confidence because you know going into it that your plan is flexible enough that it's going to grow with you, that as learn more, your plan gets better as you face new obstacles, your plan can pivot as you learn more throughout the process.
Your plan can expand.
That kind of plan can really protect your confidence and here's why. Protecting your confidence again is so important. You are doing really important work, but it's complex. It's hard and a lot of times it can feel like you're out there by yourself, that everything is resting on your shoulders, that you're carrying your entire school on your shoulders, and that can completely destroy your confidence. I think it's why so many administrators are burned out right now. I think it's why so many instructional coaches get jaded. I think it's why so many school districts start settling for these tiny little gains every single year because they don't want another failure. They don't want to put themselves out there and announce to the world that they're going to strive for a bold vision and then fail. I think it's why so many schools are stuck right now because we don't really believe that we could do extraordinary things on behalf of kids.
We think the system is broken and this is the best we can do, and we get up every day and we do our best, and then every day we go home and we have this nagging feeling, I should be doing more. I could be doing better. It is a nod to get there and when you're stuck in that kind of crisis of confidence, the work feels like drudgery because it's not the working really want to be doing anyway. You really want to be doing something more, but you feel like this is all you can do. When you face that kind of crisis of confidence, you start to beat yourself up. I see so many school administrators and instructional coaches beating themselves up thinking that the reason that they're not moving further along, it's their fault.
Wondering whether or not they have what it takes to really do this work.
You came to this, this job because you really wanted to make a difference and the frustrating thing is you don't really feel like you're making the big difference you came here to make and I want you to stop. If you're feeling that way, I want you to stop and understand that the reason you're feeling that way, it really isn't your fault. The leadership paradigm almost sets us up to face a crisis of confidence at some point because it tells us, go do this, go do this, go do this and your school improve. And it doesn't take into account all the complexities that are involved in really transforming a school and really producing consistent and reliable results for kids. And so we rushed from one initiative to the next. We face new imperatives every single year about what we need to get done in our schools. And it sometimes feels like the work is impossible.
We settle with doing our best, but in the back of our minds, we know there's so much more that needs to be done. We just have lost the confidence that we can get it done or we can get it done this year. And if you're feeling that way, I want you to know that you are facing a crisis of confidence. And if you want to protect your confidence, if you want to work your way out of that crisis of confidence, if you want to actually develop the confidence that you can achieve that ambitious, bold vision, not in 10 years, not in 20 years, but in the next three years. If you want to develop the confidence that you can tell your staff, this is what we're going to do and this is why it's important and face the pushback and not be derailed in the process.
If you want to have the confidence that when you settle on a plan, your plan will actually be accomplished.
If you want to develop the confidence that no matter what obstacle you face, you'll be able to deal with it and your school will actually come out stronger as a result of dealing with that co, that obstacle. If you want to develop that kind of confidence, there are four things you need to do. The first is you need to start with a purpose you're passionate about and don't stop working until you have a vision that feels so necessary that you can't imagine not accomplishing it. Don't stop and do you have a mission that is so compelling that it will get you up every single morning and get you excited about going to work. Don't stop until you have a set of core values that feel non negotiable.
So that's the first step. You need a purpose that you're passionate about. The second thing is that you need a way to deal with objections. You need a way to be persuasive. You need a way to build people's skill and will so that you don't have to worry. No matter what staff you're working with, you don't have to worry, well they can't do it or they won't do it. You know how to take any staff, any group of people and develop their will and skill to the point that they actually accomplish what you set out to accomplish together. The third thing you need is you need a clear understanding of your obstacles. If you have a way to deal with obstacles, then you don't have to worry about what obstacle you're going to face.
Whatever obstacle you face, you know you can tackle it, you know you can handle it.
And then fourth, you need a plan that's flexible enough that is steeped enough in the process that your plan can grow as you grow and that way you don't have to worry about anything that that throws you off your plan, your plan can adjust. You don't have to worry about the funding not coming through or the district coming in and throwing a monkey wrench in your plans and then destroys everything. Instead, your plan can change. Your plan, can grow, your plan, can adapt, your plan can adjust and you can still reach your goal no matter what. That's how you protect your confidence like a builder. Now, if you want some help protecting your confidence, I want to invite you again to come to build just lab because at builder's lab I will help you develop those four things. We start with day one and you develop a purpose about what you are passionate.
Then we show you how to deal with your obstacles. We show you how to move people's will and skill and you leave there with an ironclad 90 day plan and my support over the next 90 days to make sure that your plan actually comes through fruition. So again, join us at builder's lab and you can get your tickets for builders lab at Mindsteps inc com slash builders dash lab. And if you're listening to this sometime in the future and you've missed our January dates, that link is still great. Go to that link and you can find out when the next builders lab is happening and I invite you to join me. All right, let's talk about next week.
Next time we're going to talk about something that I have never talked about before and that is this.
There is an unfair advantage that builders have that other people don't have. And so next time I want to talk about what is that unfair advantage and how can you use that unfair advantage or leverage that unfair advantage to help you take your school farther than other schools in your district, or if you have a district, how you can take your district farther than other districts. So again, I hope you'll join me next time where I'm going to be talking about the unfair advantage that you have as a builder. I hope you'll join me then.
Bye for now. See you next time.
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