Overcoming the 6 Sources of Resistance Part II

Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want to Miss:
  • If when you hear an objection, you can pinpoint what layer of resistance it belongs to, you’ll know exactly how to respond to that objection and get that person on board without wasting a whole bunch of time arguing, or getting sidetracked by stuff that doesn’t really matter but keeps you distracted from what you really need to talk about. 
  • Some people agree on the problem but resist the solution. You’ll need to shift your approach here to help these people get on board.
  • One of the biggests sources of resistance is the “yes, but…”. You may be in a hurry to address one or two objections and move on but that’s a mistake. If you don’t take time to address all objections, it will be difficult to get people moving.
  • Ultimately, if you want people to buy in, you must share ownership over the problem AND the solution.

Are you trying to get an initiative off the ground this year and facing push-back? Or are you trying to help a teacher improve and meeting resistance every step of the way. Here’s something you should know: If you really want to not only overcome resistance but turn resistance into commitment and buy in, then the first step is you need to understand the 6 sources of resistance and what’s behind each one.

You see, people get stuck at one of these 6 layers of resistance and as long as they are stuck, they cannot make the changes you are asking them to make. If you understand what layer of resistance you are dealing with, then you can speak directly to that layer of resistance and get them unstuck, on board and moving towards big, meaningful goals.

In Part 1, we looked at the first 2 layers of resistance which have to do with resistance to the problem you are trying to solve. The first layer was not admitting that there is a problem. People get stuck here either because they can’t see the problem or because they see the problem but are afraid to admit to it because they fear they will look bad or be blamed. The second layer of resistance is feeling that the problem is out of their hands. This happens when people will admit that there is a problem but they think that there is nothing they can personally do about the problem.

Today we’re going to talk about the other 4 layers of resistance which are really about the solution. These 4 layers of resistance are really about people pushing back because they don’t agree with your solution or because they are afraid of the change you are asking them to make. I am also going to give you a cool freebie you can download at the end of this episode with all 6 layers of resistance so that you can keep it as a handy cheat sheet.

Check out these highlights:
  • Recap of layers 1 and 2 which both deal with resistance around the problem.
  • How to get everyone to quickly agree to a solution even if they all have different (and very closely-held) opinions about what must be done.
  • How to handle the “yes, buts…” you face and why it’s so critical that you do.
  • What to do about people who are just negative no matter what you do (and yes, there is something you CAN do about these people…”
  • The one caveat you need to keep in mind if you really want people to embrace change.
Links mentioned in this episode:

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