Episode 61 – People don’t tear down what they helped build

EPISODE 61People don’t tear down what they helped buildBiggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:People don’t tear down what they helped build. And yet, so many initiatives don’t invite others to be a part of the Building process. When you don’t invite people to join you in building, you open yourself up to a LOT […]

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Episode 60 – Whoever Controls Your Narrative Controls Your Culture

EPISODE 60Whoever Controls Your Narrative Controls Your CultureBiggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:Whoever controls your narrative controls your culture. That means that if your culture is toxic (or you’re worried that it might be turning toxic) it’s because someone else is in control of your narrative. Change your cultural narrative and you change your […]

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Episode 59 – Why Settle for Good When You Could Be Great?

EPISODE 59Why Settle for Good When You Could Be Great?Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:“Good is the enemy of great.” The reason that we don’t have more great schools is because we have so many good schools.“A great organization is one that delivers superior performance and makes a distinctive impact over a long period […]

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Episode 57 – How to Protect Your Confidence

EPISODE 57How to Protect Your ConfidenceBiggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:The number one thing you must protect as a Builder is your confidence. Unfortunately, leadership actually sets you up for a crisis of confidence because it teaches that you must “fake it before you make it.” Doing so doesn’t build real confidence; it erodes […]

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Episode 56 – Makeover Show: The Vision and Mission Statement Edition…

EPISODE 56Makeover Show: The Vision and Mission Statement Edition Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:The purpose of your vision and mission is to drive the work of your school. If you can’t remember your vision or state your mission by memory, there’s a good chance that neither of them are driving anything. Your vision and […]

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Episode 54 – What got you here won’t get you there…

EPISODE 54What got you here won’t get you there…  Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:The things that made you successful in your old position are not the same things that will make you successful in your new position. The reason that so many of us are exhausted and overwhelmed is that we never learned how […]

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Episode 53 – Making Change Stick

EPISODE 53Making Change Stick Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:It’s one thing to institute a change and see some initial success; it’s quite another thing to actually embed that change into your culture. If you are not deliberate about embedding change in your culture, you will constantly be on the “Improvement Hamster Wheel.”  ​If you […]

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Episode 52 – If you want everyone doing the right thing the right way, don’t skip this step.

EPISODE 52If You Want Everyone Doing The Right Thing The Right way, Don’t Skip This Step!Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:The reason that so many initiatives fizzle out is that leaders go straight from announcing a new initiative to evaluating teachers and skip all the necessary steps in between. Builders know that if you […]

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