Episode 49 – 3 Things You Must Do to Generate Momentum, Silence Critics, and Disarm Cynics

EPISODE 493 Things You Must Do to Generate Momentum, Silence Critics, and Disarm Cynics Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:Training and resources alone are not enough to fully equip your teachers to act on your new initiative. You need to be intentional about how you plan your professional development if you want to ensure that […]

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Episode 48 – How to Keep Objections From Derailing Your Next Initiative

EPISODE 48How to Keep Objections From Derailing Your Next Initiative Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:If you let them, naysayers and objections can derail your new initiative before it has even had a chance. But, if you nip objections in the bud early, you can keep up your momentum and actually get even MORE buy […]

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Episode 47 – How to Get Teachers Genuinely Excited About Your New Initiative

EPISODE 47How to Get Teachers Genuinely Excited About Your New Initiative  Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:Of the six steps in the Transformation Cycle (Excite, Explore, Engage, Expect, Evaluate, Extend) the Excite stage is the most critical and the most neglected step. Assuming you’ve chosen a meaningful initiative, your next step is to introduce it in […]

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Episode 45 – Multiply Your Ability to Influence Teacher Behavior With This One Simple Tweak

​EPISODE 45Multiply Your Ability to Influence Teacher Behavior With This One Simple TweakBiggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: We tend to focus on giving teachers good feedback in order to help them improve. But giving teachers meaningful feedback is only the first step. If you don’t follow up with teachers, all your great feedback will […]

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Episode 44 – How to Create School Core Values with Your Teachers Without Drama and Chaos

EPISODE 44How to Create School Core Values with Your Teachers Without Drama and Chaos Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:You own your vision. You and your staff co-create your mission. Your staff owns your core values. In order for core values to work, everyone must have two things during their creation — a voice and a […]

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Episode 43 – The Problem With Your Mission Statement

​EPISODE 43The Problem With Your Mission StatementBiggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:The purpose of your mission statement is to guide your work as a school. Your mission statement should answer the question: Why are we here? All too often, our mission statements are bloated with “educatorese” that leave them uninspiring and useless. When you use your […]

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Episode 42 – Are these 3 fears keeping you from achieving your vision for your school this year?

​EPISODE 42Are These 3 Fears Keeping You From Achieving Your Vision For Your SchoolThis Year?Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:If you don’t believe in your vision for your school, no one else will either. There are 3 big fears that keep us from setting ambitious visions for our schools. Unless you overcome these fears, […]

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Bonus Episode – How Kurt got his entire district to adopt and embrace a 100% vision for all students

BONUS EPISODE 2​How Kurt got his entire district to adopt and embrace a 100% vision for all studentsWhen you hear that your vision should include 100% of your students, do you cringe a little inside? I mean, sure, we all know that our work should benefit ALL children, but reality says that not EVERY child […]

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